Related Rights
The lawyers of Arénaire Avocats, competent in all matters of literary and artistic property law, advise and assist you in the protection, exploitation, and defence of your related rights. Related rights refer to theatre, cinema, television, press, or the audio-visual sector in general, and apply to:
- performers: actors, musicians, singers, dancers, or performers of live shows,
- producers of phonograms: music, audio programmes,
- producers of videos: films, broadcasts, audio-visual programmes,
- audio-visual communication companies: radio stations, television channels,
- press publishers and press agencies.
These services and activities are protected by related rights. Why this name? Because they are “related” to copyright.

Arénaire lawyers: protection and enhancement of related rights
In addition to copyright, related rights confer a monopoly on the rights of communication to the public, reproduction, and distribution. Performers also have moral rights. Depending on the scope of your rights, your objectives, and requirements, as well as your economic constraints, we advise you and develop a comprehensive strategy for the protection of your related rights.

Valuation and exploitation of related rights
Agreements for the transfer of related rights are strictly regulated by French law: written authorisation, identification of the various uses, qualification of the remuneration paid (salary and royalties), transfer price, etc. Arénaire Avocats drafts and negotiates all agreements for the exploitation of related rights and defends your interests.
Arénaire Avocats: expert lawyers in related rights litigation
The distribution, reproduction or use of works and performances without the consent of the holder of the related rights is reprehensible. These actions may also be accompanied by acts of unfair competition and parasitism. Our global approach to cases allows us to implement defence and attack strategies that consider the risks, the chances of success, the constraints linked to the market and the economic and financial impacts.
Civil litigation
Arénaire Avocats advises and represents you from the pre-litigation phase of your dispute, in particular by safeguarding evidence, pre-trial investigation measures, drafting cease and desist letters and negotiation, until a possible amicable settlement or trial.
In the litigation phase of your dispute, we represent you before the competent courts: summary proceedings or proceedings on request, proceedings on the merits for infringement of related rights and unfair competition, enforcement of judgments until compensation for the damage suffered is obtained.
Criminal litigation
The infringement of related rights is also an offence punishable under articles L. 335-4 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. The lawyers at Arénaire Avocats have recognised experience in criminal matters and represent you before the criminal courts.
Contact our team
Arénaire law firm is at the service of companies and designers based in Paris, in the Ile de France region, but also throughout France and abroad.
Arénaire: lawyers competent in all areas of related rights
Live performances
Art performances
Our sensitivity to the creative world and our knowledge of its economic imperatives enables us to understand all of these fields in a global and pragmatic way. With our individualised and personalised support, we adapt to your situation and your objectives.
Our business: providing solutions to our clients’ problems
If you are looking for lawyers who are experts in related rights, for legal counsel, drafting and negotiating agreements or for litigation, do not hesitate to contact us. We will discuss your needs with you and determine the best way to solve your problem.